Gastromotiva Mexico

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Gastromotiva México was born in 2017. It is a social project that follows all the principles of Gastromotiva in Brazil: giving culinary education to people who live in vulnerable situations, and helping them get jobs after they graduate in one of the restaurants in the Gastromotiva network.

In response to COVID 19, Gastromotiva Mexico created an emergency program called “Comidas Solidarias” (Solidarity Meals), which gives 150 meals to families of terminal patients from Centro México Siglo XXI and to medical staff from Instituto de Nutrición and Instituto de Enfermedades Respiratorios. These two hospitals in Mexico City are currently attending to the most COVID patients. This initiative is also working with the Iniciativa Agroecológica Xochimilco, which brings food from farmers, buying their products so they can get through the crisis; Por un Hogar, a small foundation that helps sick people and their families in Siglo XXI hospital; and 30 chefs, who cook the meals every day, led by chef Jorge Vallejo from Quintonil restaurant.

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