food solidarity funD


Congratulations to the 10 selected organizations!

First Round of the Food Solidarity Fund 

JULY 3rd -OCTOBER 16th 2020

 In this first round  the SGM provided critical financial assistance of USD 10,000 to ten Social Gastronomy organizations in ten different countries from our trusted network to continue bringing food and support to the most vulnerable in their local communities.

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A Collective Fund 

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified a global crisis of food security. Around the world, Social Gastronomy organizations are responding to address the inequities in the food system and re-imagining a more sustainable, equitable, and healthy future.

The Food Solidarity Fund was designed to support these organizations from our trusted network, who are developing solutions for relief and recovery, using the power of food to create social change.


  • Provide critical financial assistance to Social Gastronomy organizations responding to the food insecurity challenges during and post COVID-19 

  • Connect Social Gastronomy organizations to foster collaboration and  innovation

  • Raise awareness about the power of food in building more resilient local communities

Selection Process

The Social Gastronomy Movement received over 60 applications from 30 countries including Mongolia, Ghana, Timor Leste, and Guatemala. The fund’s technical committee, consisting of advisors from Ashoka and BrazilFoundation, conducted the process of preselecting 15 finalists to be reviewed by the FSF jury, who then narrowed it down to 10. 


Meet Our Jury

On July 30, 2020 the Food Solidarity Fund’s independent and inclusive panel of judges met to select the 10 organizations to receive the grants from this initial phase of funding. Each member of the jury was invited because of their unique expertise and commitment to building a healthy and sustainable future.

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NASSER JABERChef and Co-founder of The Migrant Kitchen


Chef and Co-founder of The Migrant Kitchen



Ashoka Brasil

LUKAS NELSONRenown musician and advocate


Renown musician and advocate

CHEF MAURO COLAGRECORestaurant Mirazur- ranked #1 in the world by 50 Best Restaurants in 2020


Restaurant Mirazur- ranked #1 in the world by 50 Best Restaurants in 2020


Founder of Mobilize Global and former president of BrazilFoundation

LADY MARIÉME JAMMEFounder of iamtheCODE, SGD Goalkeeper


Founder of iamtheCODE, SGD Goalkeeper

SAUL BETMEADChief Marketing Officer, UN World Food Programme


Chief Marketing Officer, UN World Food Programme




COMMUNITY IMPACT:  Number of meals that you can serve within the next 75 days to continue supporting populations most heavily impacted by COVID-19 in your local community.

INNOVATION: An innovative solution to provide that many meals. 

COLLABORATION:  Capacity and willingness to collaborate with local partners and organizations to scale and accelerate local impact.

TEAM:  A preference will be given to organizations that prioritize diversity and equity in their teams and include participation of people they serve.

**We want to highlight and learn from different local contexts in this global crisis. For this reason, a special consideration will be given to ensure geographical diversity of beneficiary organizations 



Applicant’s must be members of SGM’s global community

Applicant’s must be members of SGM’s global community

Must be a registered NGO with a focus on Social Gastronomy: using the power of food to create social change.

Must be a registered NGO with a focus on Social Gastronomy: using the power of food to create social change.

Provide emergency food security directly, or as part of a larger collective

Provide emergency food security directly, or as part of a larger collective

Alignment with the Social Gastronomy Movement’s values of service, collaboration, gratitude, and equity

Alignment with the Social Gastronomy Movement’s values of service, collaboration, gratitude, and equity


In collaboration with

A very special thanks to our partners who have helped us turn this idea into a reality in such a short period during this extraordinary time.  



+ What is the Food Solidarity Fund?

On June 18, 2020, Sustainable Gastronomy Day, SGM joined forces with The World’s 50 Best Restaurants to launch the SGM Food Solidarity Fund. This fund is an extension of the #SGMSolidarityChain initiative on Instagram, which addresses the effects of COVID-19 worldwide. The initial funding provided by The World’s 50 Best Restaurants gives SGM the resources and opportunity to start supporting local communities to bring food and support to the most vulnerable in their communities.

+ How did the Food Solidarity Fund Start?

SGM has been connecting projects related to social gastronomy for more than 2 years. In front of the COVID-19 crisis, we started by creating a solidarity chain on our Instagram to give visibility to resilient initiatives from our network. Quickly, we have wanted to go further in helping them pursue their missions while they and the community they serve face severe economic difficulties. That’s how the Food Solidarity Fund initiative by SGM was born.

+ How can I support the Food Solidarity Fund?

Donate now to help our Social Gastronomy projects serve those in need and thrive through this unprecedented crisis. You can join forces with us and help us support even more SG organizations through the Food Solidarity Fund by contacting us at See more options below for how you can participate.

+ Who is eligible to participate in the Fund?

We invite all SGM Member organizations to apply as long as they are registered NGOs with a focus on Social Gastronomy providing emergency food security directly, or as part of a larger collective. We are seeking to fund projects focused on an innovative solution to participate in the 1 million meals campaign and aligned with SGM values of service, collaboration, gratitude and equity.

+ What is the process of Fund selection?

  • Fill in in the Food Solid Food Solidarity Fund application form + 1-2 min video
  • Applications will be reviewed by our inclusive and independent jury
  • 10 selected SGM organizations will recieve USD 10,000 in support of their work in food security
  • We facilitate online collaboration and mentorship to foster innovation and growth
  • Food reaches vulnerable communities (goal 1 million meals)
  • 10 week storytelling campaign to help raise awareness of the incredible work being done by these Social Gastronomy organizations

+ What is the timeline?

  • We are accepting applications from July 3-24
  • The jury will review applications during the week of July 27
  • August 3- We will announce 10 selected organizations
  • Organizations will be awarded USD 10,000
  • Aug-Oct: SGM will provide mentorship, resources, and opportunities for digital collaboration
  • Aug 10: We launch a 10 week storytelling campaign sharing the successes of selected organizations

+ What do beneficiaries of the Fund receive?

The 10 selected beneficiaries will receive:

  • A grant of USD 10,000
  • Support from SGM in terms of mentorship, collaboration, and presentation materials
  • participation in a 10 week storytelling campaign
  • The opportunity to be a part of a global collective of Social Gastronomy changemakers

+ Is the grant funding restricted or unrestricted?

The grant is unrestricted, meaning your organization may use the funds for the specific need your organization has to accelerate impact.

+ What do I need to submit as part of my application?

The application will provide space for you to answer a questionnaire that will help us gain a better understanding of your innovative work. We will also need:

  • A few pictures of your project, including the project's logo, if there's any
  • Links to social media
  • A 1-2 minute video showing us how are you taking actions in response to the COVID-19 crisis to feed and support your local community and what do you hope to gain and contribute through your participation in the Food Solidarity Fund?

+ Will my video be made public?

Yes, if you are selected, we will publish your application video.

+ When do I have to submit my application?

The deadline for applications is July 24, 2020

+ What was the process for selection?

We recieved over 60 applications from 30 different countries. After conducing a eligibility screening, SGM send the 53 eligible applications to the technical committee of experts from Ashoka and BrazilFoundation.

Between July 25-July 28 the technical committee conducted a preselection process where they reached a consensus on the 15 finalist organizations that would be presented to the larger jury. All decisions were made according to our predefined eligibility requirements and evaluation criteria.

  • For more information about critera, feel free to view the 2020 Food Solidarity Fund Jury Manual.
  • You can find all applications from finalists here, this booklet was given to members of the jury before they met to deliberate.

The independent and inclusive jury met on July 30, 2020 for two hours over Zoom. During this time they reviewed all 15 videos and highlights from the applications. If you wish to view how this process went, please check here to watch the jury meeting.

SGM stives for full transparency and fairness in all of the Food Solidarity Fund selection. If you have additional questions about the selection process, please contact