EMERGENCY Fund with 50 best restaurants
resilience & recovery starts with food
The Emergency Fund is designed for our trusted and global network of grassroots organizations, supporting efforts that use the power of food to generate social and environmental change.
Through this fund, we are nourishing innovative solutions through funding, peer-driven learning experiences, and continuously elevating the voices of those working every day to ensure their communities are strong, fed, and just.
IMpact- sgm fund 2020
Communities Supported
KGs of food waste recovered
Meals Served
“I was extremely impressed by the quality of the projects as well as the geographical reach. The impact of the initiatives go beyond providing meals - they are transforming entire communities.”
- Patricia Lobaccaro
(Former president of BrazilFoundation and member of FSF technical committee.)
A Look Back: The 2020 Food Solidarity Fund
The 2020 Food Solidarity Fund was a rapid response to provide critical financial assistance to organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In July of last year an independent and inclusive jury selected ten organizations from ten countries to receive grants of $10,000 each.
Of the recipient organizations, 70% were female-led and 90% incorporated an educational component, all working to build resilience in their communities during this global crisis.
SGM received over 60 applications from 30 countries including Mongolia, Ghana, Timor Leste, and Guatemala. The fund’s technical committee, consisting of advisors from Ashoka and BrazilFoundation, conducted the process of preselecting 15 finalists to be reviewed by the Food Solidarity Fund jury
mEET THE 2020 Recipients
“Thank you Social Gastronomy Movement, not only for the grant, but to have the possibility to share all of these stories, listen to stories, and be reassured that we are not alone. We have a shared dream.”
Sophie Oteyza, Alimenta la Solidaridad
(2020 Emergency Fund Recipient)
Meet the 2020 jURY
Who’s With Us
Media & Press
Featured in
El Periodico (Spanish)
Periodico Digital (Spanish)
Prosas (Portuguese)
Hear the Stories from the 2020 Fund Recipients
+ Who is eligible to apply for the fund?
The SGM Fund is set to support our trusted and global network of grassroots organizations that use the power of food to generate social and environmental change. Our members are featured on the SGM Map: https://www.socialgastronomy.org/map
+ What is the selection process of the fund ?
Fund Recipients are selected through a process that begins with closed call for application. Selection is overseen by an inclusive jury made up of SGM community members, thinking Partners and experts in grant making and philanthropy ( selection criteria and jury will be announced soon).
+ What is the deadline to apply?
We are preparing to launch the second round of funding soon. Stay tuned on our website or subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest information on the fund call to application and the timeline.
+ How can I support ?
Here are 3 ways you can support us:
Spread the word: follow the Social Gastronomy Movement on its website and social media @instagram @facebook @twitter @linkedin
Connect with our SGM members in your community to share contacts, knowledge, advice. Use the SGM Map or send us an email at community@socialgastronomy.org
Dontate to the SGM Fund email zaya@socialgastronomy.org
+ I am a journalist and would like to speak with you !
Please send an email to maya@socialgastronomy.org
+ Submit a question
Send us your questions to : fund@socialgastronomy.org
SGM has the possibility to scale-up the Fund model and impact across the whole food cycle through a series of topic-specific funds co-created with partner organizations. Support the SGM fund and support the lives of women, children, ethnic minorities, indigenous populations, turning citizens and refugees through the power of food. To co-create a topic specific fund with SGM, reach out to nicola@socialgastronomy.org