Hello! We are the SGM Backbone team! We’re a multi-cultural, de-centralized, and enthusiastic team that is passionate about the Social Gastronomy Movement. Together, we serve as the support system to our global community, spending our days fostering connection, collaboration, and partnerships!
Ruwani De Silva, Sri Lanka
Operations and Knowledge Lead
Lead Global Communications & Community Engagement
Swiss legal board
Patrick Honauer, Switzerland
Associated Organizations: Co-Founder Social Gastronomy movement, Food Networks, and DieCuisine.
Rafael Rincón, Chile
Associated Organizations: Co-founder and President - Fundación Gastronomía Social Chile.
Josephine Baiamonte, USA
Associated Organizations: JB Consulting
Charles Holmes, Canada
Associated Organizations: CE Holmes Consulting
Michelle Horovitz, USA
Associated Organizations: Co-founder, Vice President of Innovation - Appetite for Change
Lena Friblick, Sweden
Associated Organizations: Botildenborg
David Hertz, Brazil
Associated organizations: Gastromotiva
Mwandwe Chileshe, Zambia
Associated organizations: Food Security Nutrition and Agriculture responsible - Global Citizen
Chris Moore, UK
In The Press
“A future distinct from the past, a world with our hunger” "
SGM Orchestrator Nicola Gryczka at TedXPelourinho
Published on December 10, 2021
Who is with us?
The Social Gastronomy movement recognizes the value of partnerships with foundations, corporate entities and other alies in driving social change. By collaborating with partners and allies, the movement can leverage their resources, expertise, and networks to amplify its impact. The movement values its partners who share its commitment to using food as a tool for social transformation and align with its core principles. These partnerships are built on mutual respect, transparency, and a shared vision for a more equitable and sustainable food system.
When working with corporate partners, the Social Gastronomy movement fosters meaningful collaborations that go beyond traditional philanthropy. It seeks to establish strategic partnerships that create shared value and lasting impact. Corporate partners may contribute by providing financial support, in-kind donations, or leveraging their business expertise to develop sustainable solutions. They can also offer mentorship, job training, and employment opportunities for individuals from marginalized communities. By combining the movement's expertise in social gastronomy and the corporate partner's resources, innovative solutions can be developed to address pressing social issues, such as food waste, hunger, and social exclusion. These partnerships aim to create a positive change in communities, promote social responsibility, and inspire other businesses to embrace sustainable and inclusive practices.
We are grateful to our wonderful partners and alliances who have committed to stand by us and support our mission.