The Clink

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The Clink provides prisoners with an opportunity to gain new skills and qualifications in catering and horticulture and then supports the prisoners, upon release, to secure employment and accommodations. This is a real chance for them to turn their lives around, which in turn cuts crime and improves public safety. The latest independent Justice Datalab report found that a Clink graduate is 65.6 percent less likely to re-offend than an identical person who didn’t go through the program.

As a result of COVID-19, the Clink’s training restaurants, café, gardens, and events projects were all closed on March 23. The staff is now furloughed at home, being paid 80 percent of their salaries by the government, and support workers in the community are busy supporting graduates. The Clink has launched a support fund to pay for accommodation and/or food for graduates who are struggling (the funds are not given as cash to the graduates, but instead are used to pay for emergency hostel bookings and pre-paid grocery cards). Your donation will help cover these costs.
