Join our Virtual Roundtables to Develop Solutions to COVID-19 Challenges


Are you concerned about funding and food security, especially during this challenging time #covid-19?

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You are not alone. We are all facing the same issues and looking for similar answers and solutions. So, let's access our collective intelligence!

The Social Gastronomy Movement is convening a series of free Virtual Roundtables under the two broad themes of Food for All and Financial Sustainability. Our goal is for everyone to learn and make progress in overcoming their challenges to better serve the local community. The roundtables are open to all working in the food industry, from growing to distributing to preparing to recycling; you can join either or both roundtables depending on your priorities, needs, and availability. 

The roundtables will allow participants to hear multiple perspectives, share any challenges they are facing for support, and learn about actions that have been taken all over the world.  

Each roundtable will include two 90-minute calls that, together, will be composed of: 

  • A presentation on the big-picture view of each theme and emerging innovations

  • A presentation on a local innovation in the theme

  • Small group peer-to-peer sharing on local challenges and insights

  • Small group activities to brainstorm possible solutions to specific local challenges and to identify people in our network who could support 

This interactive format will allow for practical solutions to arise, helping people discover real ways to solve their local challenges. More information on the first round of calls is below; we will be holding more of these calls in the future if you are unable to join this round, and will be in touch with opportunities to participate in future rounds of these calls.


register now to be part of this global community that will inspire local actions!


The first call in the Food for All Virtual Roundtable is Wednesday, April 15 at 07:00 PDT / 11:00 BRT / 16:00 CET / 21:00 ICT.

We will hear firsthand from Alejandro Chicheri, World Food Programme Chief in Communications, Advocacy & Marketing, who will provide a big-picture view on the issues we are facing with serving marginalized populations in our communities; and from David Hertz, social entrepreneur and founder of Gastromotiva, who will share how Gastromotiva has transformed its network and project model in order to feed the vulnerable.

This call will be held in Spanish and focused on our Latin American community, but if you do not speak Spanish, don't worry! We will be hosting more rounds of calls in this Virtual Roundtable in other languages in the future.


The first call in the Financial Sustainability Virtual Roundtable is Thursday, April 16 at 08:00 PDT / 12:00 BRT / 17:00 CET / 22:00 ICT.

We will hear firsthand from Patricia Lobaccaro, the founder of Mobilize Global and former president of BrazilFoundation, who will provide a big-picture view of the major issues around the world with fundraising in this time of crisis and emerging solutions; and from Christopher Moore, Chief Executive of the Clink Charity, who will share how he and his team created an emergency fund that will secure financial stability for his project and its beneficiaries for the coming weeks.

This call will be held in English and will have a global focus, but if you don't speak English, don't worry! We will be hosting more rounds of calls in this Virtual Roundtable in other languages in the future.


The second calls in this round of both the Food for All and the Financial Sustainability Virtual Roundtables will also be 90 minutes long and will be held the week of April 20. They will also each be in Spanish (Food for All) and English (Financial Sustainability).


Click here to register!


Coronavirus brought us a possibility as well as the necessity to reinvent ourselves. We owe it to the people we assist to serve them in the best and most resilient way possible.

Places are limited. Sign up now!


#connectlocal #inspireglobal #collectiveintelligence

SGM Team