A true experience of thinking gastronomy - .Org, Rio de Janeiro
The SGM team visited .Org. A charming and lovely space, located in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Upon arrival, you are received by an ambiance surrounded by plants and smiles. The .Org is much more than a restaurant. It is an invitation to a new philosophy of life based on healthy food through whole, local, seasonal, fresh, organic and unprocessed ingredients.
All the space bring us the feeling of lightness, love and care in the smallest details.
he menu itself is a poem.
The care of the restaurant’s chef, Tati Lund, with food, supplies and space overflows to the .Org employees The team has moments of meditation and training focused on quality of life and work.
The organic ingredients arrive from friends / suppliers and according to the variety and seasonality the menu is set up.
The project perfectly represents the 04 main pillars of Social Gastronomy promoting dignity through the generation of opportunity of working, transforming consciousness, offering a nutritious, healthy and tasty menu and mainly valuing all the ingredients with focus on the integral use of food.
In addition, Tati Lund has plans to make .Org more inclusive, developing the restaurant as a meeting place for people interested in this healthy lifestyle and focused on mutual care between people and the environment. The Circular Economy serves as a basis for recycling actions and for the project actions in general. Other plans related to ecological tourism and education are in Tati’s mind .
.Org a true experience of thinking gastronomy.