Support SGM projects working on COVID-19 actions for #GivingTuesdayNow


The Social Gastronomy Movement was born out of the idea that food connects us all.

Over the last month, as social distancing has kept us physically apart, the SGM has been working to connect and support Social Gastronomy communities around the world as they respond to the #COVID19 crisis. Our community’s innovative responses are ensuring food for all and strengthening local communities for a resilient recovery.

Today, as part of #GivingTuesdayNow, we are asking you to donate to and support our trusted network of global projects that are working hard to feed humanity and empower their communities during this challenging time.

Here are some examples of what SG projects are doing to fight the effects of COVID-19:

  • The Migrant Kitchen, a social impact catering company in New York, NY, is providing free meals to the families of those impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, including local healthcare workers.

  • The Clink, a culinary training program in England that aids prisoner rehabilitation and reduces re-offending, launched the COVID-19 Clink Graduate Support Fund, which helps finance emergency accommodations and food for beneficiaries who are facing additional social and financial insecurity.

  • In the face of funding shortages caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Platos Sin Fronteras is raising money to continue running its programs to address malnutrition, food waste, and social inequalities in Medellín, Colombia, and to deliver nutritious food to vulnerable areas.

  • In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Gastromotiva Brazil has begun building communal Solidarity Kitchens, working with small entrepreneurs and other partners receiving food donations and cooking meals for those in need.

  • Gastromotiva Mexico, local farmers, 18 Chefs, and a local association called “Por un hogar” launched the Solidarity Meals initiative as a response to COVID-19, distributing food and meals to families and people in hospitals in Mexico City.

Please visit our Donate page to read more about these projects, how they are responding to COVID-19, and how you can help them on this global day of generosity.

Let’s make solidarity spread faster than the virus!


#connectglobal #inspire local


SGM Team