Botildenborg Featured in
Documentary Series
The SGM Swedish Hub is going to be featured in the “Energy Observer’s Odyssey for the Future” documentary series produced by Bonne Pioche, Academy Award Winner with the film “The March of the Penguin. The project was in Sweden, and while visiting Botildenborg was particularly interested in urban farming and migrant integration work.
The Energy Observer is the first self sufficient vessel powered by renewable energies and hydrogen produced on board from sea water. Explorers Victorien Erussard (captain), Jérôme Delafosse (expedition leader) and their crew embarked on a six-year odyssey to meet pioneers committed to find sustainable solutions for our planet.
The project is also the first French ambassador of the United Nations Sustainable development goals and is sponsored by Nicolas Hulot, former French Minister of Ecology.
The documentary will follow the journey of the Energy Observer during its North European tour to Spitzbergen archipelago, while focusing on understanding how Manhood and Nature can co-exist.
Check out the project's website.
Watch the trailer below in French.