Launch of the South East Asia Hub in Cambodia

The official opening of the Friends Futures Factory took place on May 25th and 26th in Phnom Penh with two days of exhibitions, performances, talks and food. The space, an old bicycle factory, will be the home of the SGM Southeast Asia Hub to promote, develop and build local social gastronomy communities in the region.

The Southeast Asia Hub was revealed on Saturday afternoon with a talk on “Social Gastronomy - Joining a Global Movement for Change”. The conversation was moderated by Sharee Bauld, who is the Executive Director of the Cambodia Tourism Federation (with the Ministry of Tourism) and long-time friend of Friends-International, the backbone organization behind the regional Hub. The panel was joined by Gustav Auer, TREE Alliance Project Coordinator, and Pheap Chhoeurm, Operations Manager from PEAK  Destination Management Company, under the Intrepid Travel umbrella.  

“It’s about love and commitment. If you want to make a change, we are able to help you. Not as Friends-International or as an organization, but as people coming together to help and inspire each other through food.” 
- Gustav Auer

“The Intrepid Foundation is here to support existing organizations who are making social impact in their communities and beyond.”  
- Pheap Chhoeurm

Congratulations Nikolai, Gustav, Anton, Sokunthy, Jihye and the rest on the team in Phnom Penh for the successful opening! More details on the event here.