Schedule of Sessions
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Bibi la Luz is a dynamic Guatemalan who aims to bring together multiple actors in order to step-up coherent food action to reduce all forms of malnutrition. She is the Founder of Eat Better Wa'ik, where she merges food security, climate sustainability and human rights, through creative and inclusive ways. Growing up in multiple countries, she has that social spark to create a lasting + sustainable + dignified living world for all inhabitants.
Caroline and Wisma are co-leaders of Dona de Mim and World Women Leadership and are both United People Global Sustainability Leaders. Caroline holds a degree in engineering and a specialization in Holistics Science and Economics for Transition, has worked for more than a decade for large companies and today works as a consultant, speaker and author to promote an economy that favors life. Wisma holds a degree in business administration and specialization in Social Media and Business Strategy, has worked for large companies and nowadays runs a Digital Marketing Agency, a Travel Agency and works as a gender equality activist and speaker.
After 18 years in the restaurant industry spanning in different levels of the business from fine dining restaurants Per se, Batard, and NOMA to NYC staples Fedora, Jacobs Pickles, and Freeman’s Restaurant in the Lower East side, Chef Harold now shifts his community based initiative Insurgo Foundation to work with re-entry reform thru the last prisoner project and after school programs for students becoming social entrepreneurs.
Chef Villarosa currently is a member of the Black Culinary Alliance; The Experimental Cuisine Collective in conjunction with NYU’s Chemistry Department; and holds a Culinary Arts Degree from the Culinary Academy of New York. He is also the current Culinary Ambassador for the US embassy for Denmark. Learn more about Chef Harold at https://www.chefharoldvillarosa.com.
Adrian Hădean is a well-known Romanian chef, food blogger, writer and public personality. He is particularly famous for his culinary blog https://www.adihadean.ro/, one of the most visited in Romania. Adrian Hădean's culinary experience began in 1998, when he entered professional cuisine. He hosted a series of TV shows, published books. He manages to stand out not only by his talent and passion for what he does, but also by his creative ideas and involvement in social causes.
Charles Michel is a nomad philomath studying the convergence of art, science and multisensory aesthetics. Based at Oxford University between 2013 and 2016, he published over a dozen papers in scientific journals on crossmodal perception.
He works as an experience designer in a variety of fields, and as an artist using food and the meal ritual as media. In recent years he has been working in cutting-edge projects that innovate in community building, food innovation, hospitality, and experiential art. He recently starred in Netflix “The Final Table”.
At the intersection of science, art, community and entrepreneurship, Charles aims to inspire solutions for important challenges in the ways humans relate to each other, and to nature.
(Managing Director, Über den Tellerrand e.V.)
At Über den Tellerrand, we create opportunities for people of different cultures to meet and get to know each other, based on shared interests. Founded in Berlin in 2013, our diverse activities, mentoring programs, cookbooks and cooking courses now bring people together in over 35 cities across Germany and around the world.
We want to live in a society founded on social cohesion, mutual respect and inclusiveness, and in which all people are treated as equals. That’s why we’re committed to enabling people of different backgrounds to come together as peers. We work to advance and spread our vision of an open and tolerant society to enable intercultural coexistence across Germany and Europe for the long term.
Cooking and eating together form an integral part of every culture. The idea is simple, but not banal: Everyone feels spoken to, everyone is welcome, and the highlight of every cooking event is the experience of community and the shared enjoyment of delicious food around one table.
Katja and Sara both were volunteering at Über den Tellerrand e.V. before making it their main job.
Social Impact Coordinator at Gastromotiva, Winnee has been taking care of the Refettorio Gastromotiva guest service for the past two years, where she fell in love with the connection that food shared at the table brings to everyone who is invited to sit on it. She's also social worker with experience in the third sector, fundraising, management of Social Impact projects, technical assistance and community articulation to support youth and families living in economically disadvantaged urban communities.
Founding Farmer, President and CEO of AGREA, an agriculture-focused and for-purpose inclusive enterprise anchored on Ecology of Dignity. AGREA aims to develop a living model of a replicable “one island” economy, founded on sustainable agriculture, livelihood programs, environment, community-based tourism, and quality education of the children of farmers and fishermen. She is also a co-founder of HATIENDA Holdings Inc., an agritourism and agri-processing space to produce Filipino agricultural products for both local and export markets.
Cherrie is an ambassador of the UN Scaling-Up Nutrition Program, Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, and Board Member of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) based in Geneva Switzerland.
Patricia Lobaccaro is the founder of Mobilize Global, an international consulting agency specializing in strategic philanthropy, fundraising, and impact. Patricia was the president and CEO of Brazil Foundation from 2010 to 2019, where she was responsible for the Foundation’s global outreach efforts, the integrity of its financial processes, and for developing innovative grant making strategies to support 600 community-level initiatives in Brazil in the areas of education, health, socio economic development, human rights and the environment. She holds a degree in Architecture and Urban Studies from University of São Paulo and participated in a Nonprofit Management program from Harvard Business School. She was also a member of the first Food Solidarity Fund jury panel.
Evaluation Specialist & Program Facilitator
LaTaijah began working with Appetite For Change in 2012 on the Corner Store Project campaign as well as helping with Community Cooks. She took the initiative to be a leader, bringing her peers to the programs and by being a positive force in her community. LaTaijah has lived in North Minneapolis her entire life and recently graduated from Patrick Henry High School. She attends MCTC and loves performing arts, music and hanging out with her friends and family.3
Corrine Woods is the Director of Communications at the United Nations World Food Programme. She has over 25 years of experience working in development, specializing in strategy, advocacy, partnerships, innovation, and resource mobilization.
Candace (“Cindy”) M.A. Lessa is an independent consultant for the citizen sector working with social entrepreneurship, social innovation and network development. She was one of the founding directors of the Ashoka Brazil Program, founding director of the Synergos Brazil Program, co-founder of the Network of Independent Funds for Social Justice Brazil and Instituto Rio. She is a board member of several organizations. She is president of the board of Ashoka Brasil. She was also a member of the SGM’s Food Solidarity Fund jury.
Chris is the Chief Executive of the Clink Charity, which trains prisoners to gain City and Guilds qualifications (NVQ’s) in food service, food preparation and horticulture. When released they are found employment and supported to re-adjust back into society - accommodation and fulltime employment. By doing this The Clink has been able to dramatically reduce the re-offending rates of those who have taken part in the scheme by 65%.
Christopher Moore has previously worked for Fenwick Ltd as Head of Group Restaurant where he created and operated 37 restaurants across 12 UK sites. Prior to this he worked at Harrods Ltd as Restaurants General Manager and developed the in-store restaurants and food hall eateries. Chris also worked for the Hilton Hotel Group in the UK and Holland and trained with the Holiday Inn Hotel Group in New York. He is also a non executive director of Westminster Abbey Trading Ltd.
As Co-Founder, Executive Director, Michelle oversees the development, finance and governance of AFC. Years spent as a public defender and working in the kitchen of award-winning chef Michelle Bernstein inform her work at AFC. Michelle’s father’s family is from the Northside and she has a passion for building racial and social equity in this community.
In the face of these challenges, AFC has been creatively pivoted our programming and social enterprises to respond to the needs of the community - despite the organization taking a huge loss in earned revenue from our social enterprise catering sales that had been covering 40% of our budget annually. True to our mission, we are using food as a catalyst to heal and nourish our community. We get “real food to real people” in several ways following a spectrum from farm to family.
Mwandwe Chileshe is the Food Security and Agriculture Manager at Global Citizen. She is passionate about issues relating to poverty reduction and nutrition and has worked on Food Security and Nutrition in various roles, including supporting the management
of the International Coalition for Advocates on Nutrition, through her previous work at 1,000 Days. Mwandwe also previously led the Zambia Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition Alliance, and was significant in the start-up of Zambia’s first Parliamentary Caucus
on Food and Nutrition.
Chairman of Griffith Foods
Brian is the fourth-generation family member to lead Griffith Foods. He has worked in the food industry for almost three decades, with more than 20 years of service at Griffith. Throughout his tenure with the company, Brian has held diverse leadership positions within Griffith and Custom Culinary, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary, including management roles in Europe, Asia, and North America. From 2005 until 2014, he led our teams in the dynamic Asia Pacific markets, served as Vice Chairman and Group President for Central and South America, Asia Pacific, and India Middle East for Griffith. In 2015, Brian began leading Griffith Foods as Executive Chairman.
Over the past four years, he has spearheaded a team to establish form and structure in Griffith’s sustainability platform of People, Planet and Performance, and apply it across all business units worldwide. In the coming years, he will continue guiding the organization to develop new shared value opportunities and promote a Purpose-driven strategy that supports the community and preserves the planet while fostering continued successful performance.
Brian earned a B.A. in International Political Science from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and an M.B.A. from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management.
CEO, World Central Kitchen
A seasoned entrepreneur and gifted storyteller, Nate Mook knows what it takes to turn words into action and ideas into impact. Thanks to his extensive experience in the fields of technology, filmmaking and activism, he understands the power of a well-crafted story to bring people together and change the world.
Nate serves as CEO of World Central Kitchen, where he works hand-in-hand with the non-profit’s founder, world renowned activist and humanitarian Chef José Andrés. Nate oversees all WCK operations, leading the organization’s emergency and disaster relief efforts, as well its long-term impact projects. He formally joined WCK after helping to create and lead the #ChefsForPuertoRico effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria that served nearly 4 million meals to people in need.
Prior to taking on the role of CEO at World Central Kitchen, Nate produced the HBO Documentary film "Baltimore Rising.” His career as a filmmaker has led him to produce, direct, shoot and edit projects in Somalia, Haiti, Colombia, Panama, Uganda, Kenya, Iraq, and Liberia. He has worked with a myriad of prestigious clients including UN Women, USAID, UNDP and the World Bank, along with smaller NGOs and startups.
In 2013, Nate was tapped by former president Bill Clinton to travel throughout Africa and document the president’s 8-country humanitarian tour. In 2015 he conceived and directed the documentary “Undiscovered Haiti” with chef José Andrés, a project that was co-produced with National Geographic and PBS.
Nate spent his early career as an entrepreneur in the technology and software industries. Before the age of 27, he had founded/co-founded three tech-based companies, including online publisher BetaNews, and digital B2B service provider Localist.com. Nate has also worked extensively with TED, curating and organizing events and conferences in locations including Doha and Washington, DC. He was named a “Change Hero” by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for his work with TEDx around elevating voices in underserved communities.
Katja Elsner (Community Manager, Über den Tellerrand e.V.), Sara Naffati (Managing Director, Über den Tellerrand e.V.)
At Über den Tellerrand, we create opportunities for people of different cultures to meet and get to know each other, based on shared interests. Founded in Berlin in 2013, our diverse activities, mentoring programs, cookbooks and cooking courses now bring people together in over 35 cities across Germany and around the world.
We want to live in a society founded on social cohesion, mutual respect and inclusiveness, and in which all people are treated as equals. That’s why we’re committed to enabling people of different backgrounds to come together as peers. We work to advance and spread our vision of an open and tolerant society to enable intercultural coexistence across Germany and Europe for the long term.
Cooking and eating together form an integral part of every culture. The idea is simple, but not banal: Everyone feels spoken to, everyone is welcome, and the highlight of every cooking event is the experience of community and the shared enjoyment of delicious food around one table.
Chef e coordenador de cozinhas comunitarias Aue do Amor, assessor especial para gastronomia do governo do estado do Ceara, presidente da Camara de gastronomia do Ceara, vice presidente da associação de chefs do ceara
Devry Boughner Vorwerk is CEO of DevryBV Sustainable Strategies, a company that inspires businesses to courageously serve humanity. She is a well-known international business leader with 20+ years of combined government and private sector experience. Devry serves on the board of Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture, University of California Agriculture Issues Center, the US-Mexico Foundation, the Economic Club of Washington, D.C., and is involved in the social gastronomy movement.
"Adriana Salay é historiadora e pesquisa sobre hábitos alimentares há 9 anos. Atualmente desenvolve um doutorado em História Social na USP sobre a fome no Brasil e é professora de cursos de pós-graduação em gastronomia. Idealizadora da campanha ""Gente é pra brilhar e não morrer de fome"" e do projeto ""Quebrada Alimentada"".
Rodrigo Oliveira é chef de cozinha do restaurante Mocotó, restaurante sertanejo em São Paulo desde 1973, e comanda mais três casas: Mocotó Café no Mercado de Pinheiros e no Shopping D e o Balaio, dentro do Instituto Moreira Salles. Recentemente lançou seu livro ""Mocotó - o pai, o filho e o restaurante"" e é criador do projeto Quebrada Alimentada."
Fille d’immigrés algériens, Donia naît et grandit en banlieue parisienne, dans un quartier où l’éducation et les opportunités d’emploi ne sont pas tracés, mais avec déjà la volonté et la ferme intention de s’engager, et faire le bien autour d’elle. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec son lycée et d’un programme financé par le gouvernement, Donia suit durant trois ans des cours à l’ESSEC. Après son baccalauréat, elle intègre Sciences Po et réalise une année de césure aux Etats-Unis, pendant laquelle elle s’engage bénévolement auprès d’un centre d’accueil pour les femmes victimes de violence. Donia y fait des rencontres qui la guideront instinctivement sur le chemin de l’entrepreneuriat ; Déterminée à devenir son propre patron et agir en faveur du changement social, elle reprend alors ses cours de Master en affaires publiques pour comprendre la fonction publique gouvernementale et bousculer les codes. Elle unit ses compétences et ses nombreuses expériences de séjours bénévoles au Liban, en Egypte… Et décide d’utiliser la nourriture comme véhicule d’expression culturelle et d’émancipation. A l’occasion d’un stage chez PwC, elle rencontre Loubna, sa future amie et cofondatrice, et à elles deux, construisent les prémices de Meet My Mama. Pendant deux ans, Donia jongle entre la création de son entreprise et son métier de consultante junior chez Tenzing, mais 2016 marque un réel tournant : elles rencontrent leur futur ami et troisième cofondateur, Youssef. A trois, ils mettent sur pied leur entreprise sans aucun financement, organisant plus de 400 événements sans l’aide d’aucune technologie. Douée de conviction et d’une réelle volonté de bousculer les règles établies, Donia revendique son statut d’ingénieur moderne du changement social, et investit chacun de ses jours en tant que cofondatrice et COO, à l’amélioration du quotidien de centaines de femmes.
Kiu is the Global Community Coordinator at SGM. He is passionate about participatory processes that engage diverse stakeholders to see and transform the systemic structures and mental paradigms that hold us back from a more equitable, inclusive, and environmentally friendly society.
As part of the SGM Kiu works to co-create community strategy, design and facilitate online learning dialogues and collaborative process, participatory development of community collaboration tools, and support local community builders.
Event FAQs
+ What is the Food Solidarity Gathering?
A week-long online experience and gathering to engage and connect with others who are leading Social Gastronomy initiatives around the world. This week will be a place for us to explore, share, discover, and learn how we can use food to foster and strengthen cross sector connections, collaborations and partnerships. The SGM Food Solidarity Gathering is completely virtual. It starts on World Food Day on Friday, October 16th and ends on Friday, October 23rd.
+ What is Food Solidarity?
COVID-19 has amplified the global food security crisis, which is expected to double in 2020 alone. As a catalyst for the system-wide change within the food sector, SGM has committed to spreading solidarity faster than the virus through Food Solidarity. Food Solidarity is about recognizing that we are one people, one community, one humanity with one need: to have healthy food as a human right. Food Solidarity encompasses the entire food system. It is when we collectively engage with the human side of the food cycle and work toward a shared goal of food security, equitable, and universal access to healthy food and freedom from hunger for everyone. We need to have one system, not a separate one where food aplenty exists for one community while another goes hungry. To tackle this, we call on leaders at all levels to prioritize Food Security as the first indicator of a successful society and to recognize the need for equality and justice in the food system by taking actions to ensure Food Solidarity across the globe.
+ How much does it cost to attend?
The Food Solidarity Gathering is free to attend.
+ Who can participate?
The entire SGM community and anyone who recognizes how practices, policies, and behaviours related to how we grow, distribute, prepare, and consume food can significantly impact the health and well-being of people and planet!
+ What can we expect at the Food Solidarity Gathering?
Connection and action. Sessions throughout the week will dive deep into Food Solidarity related topics, moments and shared learnings. We will be co-creating action plans, and fostering connection and collaboration within the community. On a peer to peer basis the intent of the gathering is to:
- Showcase Community Members and Inspire to Action
- Co-create Actionable Solutions
- Share Valuable Learnings
- Have Meaningful Dialogues
For more information, view our Community Session Formats